Thursday, December 16, 2010

Your final essays are due via email on Tuesday by midnight. Please email your essays in MLA and double spaced to

You should include your revised intro, your three body sections, and an attempt at a conclusion. Keep ALL of your rough work and bring it in in the new year.

May the force be with you!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

For friday, type up your essay with your intro, three body sections and an attempt at a conclusion. The essay will be typed double spaced.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

For next class: a hard copy of your intro if you emailed it to me.


A rough draft of the body section on situational archetypes. The body section will probably be one paragraph but can be more. It will probably be a page to two pages. Follow the SEEES paragraph format. Your topic sentence will be "The situational archetype present in Star Wars help classify it as a modern myth." You will want to remind your readers that Joseph Campbell wrote about the Hero's Quest.

This is a rough draft but should still be typed and double spaced.